From that world to this world..!
It has been 3 days now since I started the new job. And, I am trying to settle down as quickly as possible and it appears that I have to catch up a lot.
I must say that, the place (building) is exactly like what I always had 'imagined' as an office. I mean, separate cubes, a phone number without 'extension' and above all a computer with 'internet access'. And the office actually looks like an 'office'. For an average office-goer this may appear as a normal office. You might think - 'ain't offices supposed to be like that ?' Not for me :P. In my case, it's for the first time and at least I felt very glad on the first day. Finally, I will be working in an office. On the contrary, in my previous job everything was very 'casual'. Meaning, there were no cubes, no personal phones and internet ;). In a way it was good, there was nothing to be bothered about - just you and your work. No distractions at all - whatsoever.
Another different thing is - I am so used to wearing jeans and bright and stripped t-shirts. And above all once in a week shave. But, here it's little different. Not a rule - but very few wear jeans. And the t-shirts they wear are 'boring' to me - colorless. But, I guess that's true for every office. So, in previous work place - no one cared how you look and what you wear. And that was perfect for someone like me ;). I hate wearing shirts - they take too much time to wear :P.
Last but most important - the work hours. I am not tied to 8.50 am (weird - isn't it ?) to 6 pm work day anymore. Office ours are pretty flexible here now. I target 10 am and leave at 7 or later. Once again, couldn't ask for more. I get to sleep as much as I want in the morning;). Not to mention, my one way drive is 24 miles now instead of just 3 miles of the last one.
As far as the office is concerned, I think there are about 50+ people. Out of which 10 may be Indians, another 10-15 may be Chinese, 25 Americans and 5 Russians...well, this is just my guess.
Anyways, everything still is very new to me. I am learning many things every passing moment and many times I find myself terrified with what will happen next..! :P