2350 miles and 25 days..!
It was exactly a month ago from today - Tuesday, March the 20eth, 2007. It was just past 12.00 noon, and I was driving my car in the direction opposite to my home in Buffalo and not knowing when I'll be back or how much I am going to drive and where all I'll be going. The only sure thing I knew was that I had a job interview the next day somewhere in New Jersey. It was completely an open-ended trip.
So, it was about 6.30 pm and I had already checked-into my hotel in Piscataway, NJ. That night I was very tired after driving in excess of 400 miles, so didn't do much - had some food, studied a bit and then good night. Next noon appeared in the interview and I was free by 3 pm. This was the end of my 'planned trip'. I had come for an interview and I gave it and it was finished now.
However, I had nothing to do now, so called up Kavin, who was south of me and some 30 miles away in Princeton, just to see if we could meet up. No, was not an answer from him. So, he came at about 5 pm or so. Last time when we met it was in December and in Boston. So, we were 2 now. Another friend Chintan was in Norwalk, CT, 70 miles up north. So, we decided to meet up neither in NJ nor in CT, instead we met in Nanuet, NY. So none of us had to drive too much on a weekday evening. So, now we were 3 of us. As such there was no plan, so we met up in a mall there, and there is a nice restaurant called Stir Fry, featuring Asian cuisine. It was some good food. If you remember the it's the cricket season, and the World Cup is on in full swing. We decided to watch the next Friday match between India - Bangladesh together at Pranjal's home in Princeton, if that works out. So, now I had a tentative plan for next 2 days. So we ate and then drove off in our respective directions. So, Kavin dropped me at the hotel in Piscataway and he left. We planned I'll meet him in Princeton next morning.
Next morning, it's Thursday, March 22nd now. I was in Princeton, NJ just before noon. Pretty much there was nothing much to do, and I was wondering if Chintan could come by tonight. So, whole day passed just like that, however Chintan did make it eventually on Thursday evening. So for sure, we were watching tomorrow's match together.
So it was Friday morning now and we were watching the match on my laptop. While watching, we were discussing the possibility of driving 170 miles further south to Reston, VA over the weekend, so that I could meet my brother, Golu and Mrunal. Chintan also wanted to go there for a while and Kavin didn't mind at all. And it was pretty much decided, so now I had a plan for the weekend as well. However, on the other hand nothing was going right for the Indian team. India was playing like Bangladesh and Bangladesh was playing like Australia. In the end, India lost and virtually out of the World Cup 2007 at such an early group stage. We were so pissed at the Indian team for their dismal performance and so angry. And with that, the WC was over for most of us Indian fans, since there was no India. Anyways, so Friday didn't go well, I felt like crying and hated Indian a lot and I still am hating them. So it was almost 6 pm, and our Virginia was a little dicey now, after such a debacle. It took about 30 minutes to decide if to go or not. But we did eventually.
It was 6.30 pm and we are on NJTP/I-95 south bound towards Washington, DC. I drove like crazy that day, lots of overtakes in a zig-zag fashion. By the time we reached Reston it was almost 10 pm. It was remarkable feat on a Friday traffic. However, to our good luck it wasn't too bad and we made it in good 3 and 1/2 hours. And my brother and Golu were kind of shocked, since we made it so early. We cooked some food and then headed for a post mid night coffee at a 7-11 gas station just across the street. We spent almost 2 hours outside the gas station about talking nothing :). After all that's what we do..! It was almost 3 am and it wasn't too late to sleep!
Next morning (read 2 pm), we headed for a famous pure vegetarian Indian buffet at Sarvanna Palace. I had high hopes from that place. But we were a little too late, it was almost ready to close at 3 pm, so we had to eat the 'left-overs'. Not too bad. Anyways, there I met Mrunal for almost after 2 years. It was about 3.30 and we headed back home. Fast forward, next morning, Sunday, it was good weather and we all felt an urge to play the cricket, so all of us 5 went to nearby park. Surprisingly we found several others playing cricket as well. So we had teams now, them vs. us, to their misfortune they lost the serious 3-0 to us. And we beat them like what India did to Bermuda. Not to mention, I didn't contribute much ;). But I hadn't played cricket like this and this long in years. It wouldn't be an exaggeration, if I say at least in 10 years. It felt so great..!
After such a physical activity, our stomachs started demanding their share of some good food. And we (my brother Himanshu, Golu, Kavin, Chintan, Mrunal, Me) headed towards a nearby Thai-Vietnamese restaurant Chao Phara Ya. The food was excellent and my stomach was happy and so was everyone else's. The weather outside was beautiful so we decided to take little walk in the parking lot while Golu went to drop off Mrunal. It was 4 pm, Sunday, March 25th. Chintan had to go now, since, Norwalk, CT must be at least 250 miles up north. So, Chintan and Kavin left while I decided to spend some more time there.
After reaching home, I went to see Mrunal. I was parking my car in front of her apartment and I got a phone call from one of my best friends. And she gave me a shocking and surprising news. She and my another best friend were committed now. Wow, that was some unexpected great news. It took me a while to digest the news, since when this is true. And she said almost 6 months. Wow, for a moment I thought are these really my 'best-friends'. But then, there were numerous behind the scene stories, which I can't mention here..;). Anyways, I finished what I had left for. Met Mrunal and talked a lot about good-old SVIT days. Then abruptly we decided to go for the Mira Nair movie 'The Namesake'. We called up Golu and my brother and headed for the movie. The movie was excellent. All of us liked it. So, that was officially the end of Sunday.
It's now Monday, March 26th. And now I've no plans. No goal. So I stayed in Reston till Thursday and thought of going back to Buffalo. So, I thought I'll drop by at Shantanu's home in Philadelphia, PA as well. That was serving 2 purposes. I will meet him and another friend Kanan was also there for a day because she had a job interview in Philly as well. So, I can meet her as well. Anyways so reached Philly on Thursday about 6.30 pm or so. This was already my reverse journey since I was driving in the direction of Buffalo now, via pit stop in Philadelphia.
So, on Friday they said they might also join me to Buffalo, since Kanan wanted to visit Buffalo one last time. But the destiny didn't want me go back to Buffalo any sooner. On Friday I got an email from a company that they want me to be on-site for an interview the following Monday. So, now no plans of Buffalo. I shall be in Philly for till Monday at least. Anyways, that was Friday afternoon. In the evening we went to have some Indian food with Shantanu's friends Srikant and Nitin. The restaurant was called Devi (if I remember correctly), and that was some worst desi food I ever had. What a waste of a once in a while Friday evening..! I was so pissed.
Weekend just passed by, some shopping and some food. It's Monday, April 2nd now. And it's been 2 weeks since I left Buffalo. Anyways, I had interview at 3 pm, somewhere in NJ exactly on the border of NY - NJ, some 125 miles north of where I was. I thought it would take about 2 hours to drive there. So, keeping in mind a factor of safety I left at 11 am. But it was sheer bad luck, I took the wrong direction, wasted 2 hours just to drive an effective distance of 30 miles, gas tank was almost empty, drove like crazy in the 'quest for crude' in the one-way streets of downtown Philadelphia. But it was one bad day, I drove in such communities there, where no other Indian would dare to go. Anyways, all roaming in vain, 'didn't find no gas' at all. Got back on the I-95 north bound, after getting lost several times, just praying the God, I'll find some gas before my car abandons me. Finally, found an oasis, in an almost deserted community. On a normal day, I wouldn't dare step outside my car, it looked like the moment you step out, you are going to get shot. But then, who cares I had no choice. Got some gas, everything alright and I was on my way.
It's 1.30 pm, and I am still 80+ miles away. That sounds alright, but remember, it wasn't my day. Anyways, I was on NJ turn pike, north bound and the traffic was no friend. I was chasing the distance against time, sometimes at speed in excess of 100 mph. But then, I found several 'driving buddies' just like me, they too were in as much hurry as I was in. It was 2.45 pm now, and I was still some 15 miles away. I knew I can make it at 3 pm, in the worst case I may be late by 5 minutes. It wasn't that bad at all.
But it wasn't finished yet. I was on a stretch where I -95 N meets and I 80 and I - 80 ends, right before the George Washington Bridge to NYC. And this bridge is infamous for its perennial traffic delays. Well, there were 2 kinds of lanes, express and local, I thought let's take 'express', it might take me faster. Not so. I overlooked the fact that had to exit just before the bridge, and for that I needed to stay in local lanes. But I was in express, and there was no way I can get to local ones.
It was almost 3 now, and I called up the company, I am stuck here and can't make it on time. Then he told me that was the Yankees opening game traffic. That's why. Anyways, doesn't help me. So, I was waiting in express lanes, cursing myself, and the stupid decisions I made that day, while watching the cars zipping through local lanes. I could have been one of those had I been there. Sorry dude not your day. However, then suddenly I spotted a small opening in between 2 lanes, you know the ones made specially for cops. I didn't care that day, I just crossed from express to local lanes. It wasn't me alone, there were many before and after me. It was 3.25 now, but I knew I still can make. By the time, I reached there it was 3.40, a good 40 minutes late. But they were very accommodative, and the interview went well. I didn't even get a chance to get some water or goto a restroom till 5 pm, and under those conditions I was in the interview ;). I was wondering, what would they be thinking about me, who can't even make it on time for the interview..;).
Anyways, by the time, I got back I had driven 370+ miles (instead of 250 for a round trip), and it was almost 8.30 pm. That was one heck of a Monday. The company had said that they'll be replying by the weekend, so I decided to stay till Friday at Shantanu's place. Remember, I am in the 3rd week of my 'road trip' now..:)
Fast forward Thursday night 9 pm, we had a quick trip to Baltimore, MD, since Kanan had an interview the next day in Philly, so we had to pick her up and also to see the Infiniti G35 that my brother had bought the same evening.
Next morning is Friday, April 6th. It's Good Friday, and time is about 1 pm. Nothing much happening in my life as such. We (Purvin, Chintan, Shantanu, Kanan and I) are just talking nonsense. Suddenly I got call from the hiring manager of the company where I had given the first interview. He offered me the job. Oh man, I was on the 9th cloud now, and the atmosphere in Shantanu's bed room is suddenly charged. I was a little too excited. Finally my road trip has started bearing fruits now..;). As soon as I hang up, I got a call from the HR manager of the same company, and she discussed the offer in detail. I hang up again, I got a 3rd call, from the 2nd company, where I had interview last Monday, he wanted to the back ground check on me. Now, everyone knows, what that means, even though it wasn't a job offer. I hang up again (this is the 4th call in a row now) and get a call from my current company, to give me some another good news. Wow, my luck couldn't get better than this. All the pending things have been cleared in a matter of half an hour or so. I was so happy then.
So, I thought, since I have the job-offer now, why not extend the road trip further ;), we discussed and decided that I should goto Seattle, WA. Yes, all across the country. Reason being, Shreya had a baby shower ceremony the following Sunday. All of us wanted to attend badly, but no one could get leave, at least one of us could make it and surprise Pritul and Shreya. So, I bought the ticket, and the time left for my departing flight was just about 14 hours. Arranged for pickup from Seattle with Saloni, after all I was meeting her as well..;).
Now it was the time for celebration, it was Friday and it's still 5 pm, so we decided on the spot to drive upto Washington, DC to celebrate. And we did, on our way we picked up Kavita from Silver Springs, MD as well. And then had some royal Indian food at a restaurant called 'Bombay Club', the restaurant was a little upscale. But it was great. By the time we got back to Philly it was 2.30 am on Saturday. And my flight was in less than 4 hours or so. Everyone else slept after such a hectic day, while I packed my bags, took shower, at 3.30 in the morning ;), and then Shantanu dropped at the airport at about 5 am.
11 am local time, Saturday, April 7th, I am at the Seattle airport. Saloni picked me up, and we were driving towards Pritul's house in Olympia, WA, some 60 miles south of Seattle. We were on interstate 5, south bound in Seattle, and the landscape was totally different than what we see here around this time. The trees were lush green as apposed to our naked trees, here in north-east. Probably, that's why the car number plates have 'The Evergreen State' in Washington .

It's just past 12 noon, I am at the front door of their house. And Shreya opens the door. She sees me, her eyes and mouth wide-open, no words to speak. Her face said, where did I come from ????? Wow, it was such a great feeling, she was very very very happy, at this surprise and so was I. Last time when we met it was May 2006. Then Pritul comes, same thing and the words from his mouth - 'Ala aa kya thi aayo ????', (Where did I come from ?). It was such a pleasant feeling. All of them were trying to accept my presence as a reality, including Pritul's mom.
Anyways, we were just in time for lunch, had some great home made food after ages. Talked a lot, Shreya looked so graceful in her pregnancy. I've never been to anybody this close, who is a would-be mom. Anyways, I was a little too exhausted now, I hadn't slept virtually for 2 nights in a row now, so my body deserved it's share of rest. And I did for an hour or so.

It's about 4 pm, and the 'Mehandi' ceremony is going on, the atmosphere in the house festive and ceremonious with so many of us - Pritul, Shreya, Pritul's mom, Unnati, Bhairavi, Minesh, Saloni and I. Anyways, in the evening we took a little tour of Olympia (which is the capital of WA). It's pretty small town, more like a village. Came back, once again some great food and then started the preparation and decoration for tomorrow.
Next morning, everybody is up early, it's the BIG day for Shreya and for Pritul as well. New clothes, new looks. Shreya looked like a perfect 'bride':). The ceremony went well. Good food, many new faces and all. It was about 4 pm and it's all over. It has ended, the day they had been waiting eagerly for months. We plan things for months, and it just takes hours for it to come and go. Anyways, everyone is happy.
Pritul had taken off on Monday, since Unnati was staying, and now I too was there ;). So, we decided to go for some sightseeing. And after much planning we ended up being at the Tulip Festival, some 120 miles north of Olympia. And Vancouver, Canada is just 80 miles north from there. Anyways, the country side was beautiful there, difficult to put into words, miles and miles of lush green mountains with tall pine and spruce trees. The rain almost had ruined all the fun, but we were lucky enough, when we reached there it didn't rain. The tulip field are a sight to behold and standstill. No words, period.
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Tulip Festival |

Tuesday went by just like that, great food and great talk. My return flight was on Wednesday night. So, Pritul took off early from his job that day and we saw down town Seattle. Nice hilly downtown..! Visited the jewel of Seattle - The Space Needle Tower. Had some great Indian food at a place called 'Roti' and that's all.
Now, it was time to leave the beloved ones. Everyone is silent and the atmosphere inside the car is not where you would like to be. But then we all have to leave one another so that we can meet again. They dropped me at the airport and left. I kept thinking on how I came on Saturday and time passed by just like that, and I am sure they must have been thinking the same.
It's past 9 am on Thursday and I am at the Philadelphia airport. Shantanu dropped me at his house and went to work. And I slept for the whole day.
It's Friday, April 13 now. Finally I am ready to leave for Buffalo. No more interviews, no more trips, no more visits and no more nothing now. I left at noon and had a lunch at King Street Grill with Shantanu's co-workers in Kind of Prussia, PA and then on my way back to Buffalo, New York.
All the while I kept on thinking about where all I had been, who all I met, in how many different restaurants I ate, how many miles I drove in how many states. And the numbers were staggering...! It was great, I got to spend a good amount of time pretty much at everyone's house..!
To sum it up, I was on the road for 2350+ miles for 25 days, not including the cross country flight..! ;)
Wow...that was one heck of a long post..! Spent about 5 hours at a stretch on it..:P..
Some stats..;)
The list of restaurants..!
Stir Fry - Nanuet, NY
Sarvanna Palace - Reston, VA
Chao Phara Ya - Reston, VA
Devi - King of Prussia, PA
Bombay Club - Washington, DC
Inchin's Bamboo Garden - Redmond, WA
Roti - Seattle, WA
King Street Grille - King of Prussia,
Its long and will take time before I read the whole article...
but surely you are not going to forget this trip and espically that Good Friday!!!
Correction from Shantanu:
THE name of the desi restraurant(the one which sucked) was Desi Village and not Devi. Devi is another place.
that was some trip!! awesome post, brilliantly documented the entire trip. Picture perfect too.
Congo once again on the job and hoping to see you soon.
such a long trip surely deserved a long post...good that ur trip was rewarding in every way...
hey..was really fun reading ur story.. it was a long post but could feel the rush that you mst have experienced in those 25 days!and yes, i did "feel great to find my name in it" :)
Man you rock !!!
I am pleased after reading full blog. A great talent of documanting what you feel !! Your surprise arrival to Shreya's baby shower was the most expensive gift to us !! we can not thank all you guys in words. We are luck to have all you guys our friends. Buffalo rocks. I am happpy to have all you in my life. Thanks God !!!
Nicely written one patelli as usual....but as purvin says...cant forget that friday...A good friday for you indeed....it was fun...
sahi hain kaushal bhai. so which offer did u take?? first one or the second one??
congrats on the new job!!!
1st one...
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