Napkins and Forks...

Most of us pay very frequent visits to Subways & Taco Bells and Burger Kings and what soothe our hungry stomachs. All of these places have one thing in common - 'Paper napkins', and you couldn't agree more..!
Many times most of us end up grabbing lots of napkins, forks, spoons and knives etc., no matter we consume them or not. Because we think, 'Who cares, it's free'. Well, those who agree with this, are fooling themselves. Nothing comes for free in America or for that matter anywhere on this planet. Somebody somewhere pays the price for the extra napkins that we just grabbed. But the biggest victims are the innocent trees somewhere in the jungles of Amazon or America or anywhere else. For each extra napkin that we wasted, some part of a tree must have been chopped for no reason.
One would argue that, it's recycled. But how many times do you recycle ? Eventually it will no more be recycled. Same thing with the plastic-ware. Waste of them is worse than wasting the napkins. We all have been taught that, paper being bio-degradable doesn't add to the 'land-fills', but plastic does. Needless to mention, waste/use of them harms the environment in someway or other.
We have a habit of grabbing 'handful' of everything from all the dispensers, be it - napkins, forks or even ketchups, no matter we need them or not. And most of them end up being wasted once you finish eating. Who cares...!
So point is, next time when you go out, think of it, and ask yourself a simple question - 'How much do I need ?'. If you can manage with 2 napkins then don't grab a bunch of 20. Wait for a second and quantify your needs. There are so many such small things where we can conserve our resources. Be it Grocery Shops or Restaurants..! If possible, please take a pledge to conserve, if you have read thus far. Only we can make a difference..!

Even if we save a tree a year, it's worth..! We can't grow, but we can save...!
I agree completely. We all ahould make a concious effort. These are small things, but when done in masses, can make a huge difference.
hummm sahi hai...
on a funnier note... if everyone follows Indian bathroom practices then many trees could be saved ;)
But its tough what you say??
Purvin I was just being's a matter of stopping the 'obvious' waste...where we can save..
Otherwise, everybody knows that America believes in wasting everything.. and that's what runs their economy...but I don't believe in that..
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