Living in G-World....
This one is dedicated to the most hilarious personality I've ever come across in my life so far (and I believe you as well), - Hemalkumar Shankarlal Golwala urf Golu and lately Gohu. I expect you to know the first two names, and the last one you will know in a while, if you already don't know.
As I said earlier - 'the most hilarious personality', undoubtedly he is, and if you know him closely, you couldn't disagree on this. Every action/reaction of him could make you burst into laughs. His honesty and naiveness could kill you sometimes, and his confessions make you go insane. His shopping style could once again drive you crazy - sometimes we wonder due to Golu only some online deal sites run. He could be the only source of income for many websites. Just to mention, he believes in buying all types of memory cards even before he buys a camera :).

No person in the world has the guts to admit what he does and he can - and those things I can't even write here;) but imagine as far as you can and the wildest & weirdest you could and you would get the answer, what stuff he is made of. I think Purvin's testimony (with some masala) about him sums up quite a lot - 'If any point in your life if you are very depressed, feel so lonely and if you feel like killing yourself, please call up Golu before jumping off the cliff, you will change your plans for sure'. There are millions of things that I can write here, but it won't make enough justice to Golu's talent. You have to be with him to experience the charisma of G-World...
Anyways, the prime motivation (however, I always wanted to write a story on him :)) for writing this post was his recent change in hairstyle - now-a-days he keeps long 'sideburns' (prolonged haircut in front of ears ;)). Due to this change, and his physical features (precisely height ;)) he resembles to a Mexican (no offence meant here). So, I thought of aliasing him as Gohu from Mexico. The reason for making Gohu from Golu goes like this - in Mexican, if I am not wrong they pronounce (or at least we call) 'L' as 'H'. So the name Gohu...and that's all...Gohu was riding altogether in a Mexican world then onwards. He started speaking Mexican since then, or at least he thinks that ;)...
So, in this Meximania, we were roaming around the Washington monument in DC, and he was still under the great influence of Viva La Mexica... and started speaking in Mexican there. And the one and only sentence he was uttering was 'Ke Paso Amigo' he was speaking that and I was standing besides him... 2 people were just walking by, they heard this and stopped and were starring at Gohu...and Gohu ki to phat gayi...needless to say they were 'Mexicans'...I just couldn't stop laughing out loud..poor Golu...:D
And the G-World stories go on forever....
sorry dude.. late comments .. but buy far the best blog I came across in recent time...
More than your writting skills I would appriciate Mr.Gohu.. who gave you an oppurtunity to write a blog!!!
Thanks Purvin. And yes, your observation is right...
Thanks Kanan...
finally even I got a small chance of living in g-world :)
I completely agree... Gohu is by far the funniest person I've ever met ;)
His facetious remarks & the anecdotes... cant 4get 'em.
He never fails to make me laugh, and so does ur post :-P
Lolz...! :)
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